Friday 23 March 2012

Augmented World Experiments and Final.

This is my original Photograph which I have chosen to use for my experiments and my final piece, I really like this photograph as there is a clear perspective and the colours are fairly bland, which allows a lot of experimentation room. I shall be experimenting several times with this image, and I shall then be deciding on my final background image by which one both I, and others prefer, but I shall also take into consideration how well the Augmented person looks within my image.
This is the first example of my final Augmented World piece. I am currently trying various different backgrounds which may work with my final outcome, I really like this outcome as I think that the colours work really well together and give a cold, sinister feeling. To create this image, I changed the Hue and Saturation, the Shadows and Highlights and added a Photo Filter (Sepia, 53%).
This is the second example of my experiments for my final Augmented World piece. I really like the colours of this example. I think that this could also work really well as a simple black silhouette of the Cathedral. The contrast between the Lead roof and the Brickwork is really effective and I feel that it doesnt really look like it is really that colour. I created this image by changing the Exposure, the Shadows and Highlights and again by adding a Photo Filter, this time I added a Cooling Filter (80) and changed the density to 49%.
This is the third experiment which I conducted, this time I chose to change the Exposure, Replace the Colour and I then applied the Sketch Filter on the Stamp setting, with the settings staying the same. I really like this effect as it makes the Photograph look as if it has been drawn and then scanned into Adobe Photoshop, which would then allow the image to be drawn over in 'Pen'.

This is the final piece for my Augmented Worlds study. I have a hand drawn image of a Dinosaur, which I placed on top of my edited image of Chichester Cathedral. I really like this Final piece as I think that it mixes both High Tech manipulation and Low Tech manipulation together. I also really like how I have kept the Dinosaur white rather than filling him with colour, as I think that this gives it a more professional, realistic feeling. If I was to re create this task, I think I would like to have chosen a different background for the Dinosaur, For example, have him in the middle of a shopping centre to create a real unique effect.

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