Friday 9 March 2012

Information Graphics Digital Piece

This was my finished Information Graphics piece, demonstrating Art Movements throughout the last 200 years. I chose to use a simple black background with white writing as it allows the images to really stand out from the plain colours. I chose to write the name of one artist from each movement underneath the image so that there is a reference point for the viewer and they can see what each movements art work looks like. If I was to re-create my Information Graphics piece, I think I would like to have chosen a different style to have my images in as I think that by having them across diagnonal lines it looks plain and boring, therefore it wouldnt really draw the viewer in to have a closer look. I do however think that this piece is Aesthetically pleasing as the colours work well together and it is clearly laid out and there isn't too much information underneath the image about the individual movements.

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